I'm BACK !!!!
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Monday, December 26, 2005
hahaha i haven't realli had a good sleep until today..
christmas eve was spent @ my unc's place.
with super bbq with succulent lobsters. and grilled scallops...
super yummy.
so i crazily went to christy's place after mudnite.
and ton there was very fun..
but very bad move..
cos after that had alot of magic shows which were v gd..
but i was pretty much wasted later duringservice..
and during the merchandising after that..
so i wreached home arnd 430..
so took a nap and overslept..
woke up round 8 SUPER late for sarahs plade. so went there and kena suan lo.. sighz.. every1 wore qte casual and i dress rather msartly. so sighz... adn they left super earli after eatig arnd 10... sighz...
but what have i learnt dis christmas?
well, i've learnt...
that i try to go for too many parties. and lose track of the important.
also. i've learnt that i need to organise more.
o ya.. might be sleeping thru the nye.. no place to go...
sigh... looking for reccomdenations.. as cheap as possible. qte broke...
so i wish you the very best this upcoming year ahead. and PLEASE! get ready for CNY!!! its end of JAN btw... GONGXI FACAI!!!! whahaa
making my life a miracle 11:54 PM