I'm BACK !!!!
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
It has come to my attention that i've been here close to a month liao,
so has my chinese improved ? i think so, i think i also kena the slang liao sia.... lol. aniwae, i think an update on my life here is long overdue, the routine so far has been to spend as much time online as possible, this is indeed qte emotionally draining not to forget also sleeping time. working time has also changed , in the sense dat in a yr, it changes qte a bit, used to be 8-12, 1:30-5:30, now its 7:30-11:30 and 2:00-6:00, so yea.. luch is very rushed, my hand is also healing fast, but still on a cast until it heals.
Church is also a funny case. I was recently reminded by ma Pst. What is church??? is it a place ? or a congregation of people ? Why are am making a 5 hr journey every week that is both $$$ and tiring?
Sadly, i forgot all abt the reasons, it is like you forget the main reaaason behond everythng, like christmas, IT IS ABT GOD...
i was so caught up by the act of going to church, that I forgot why i was going in the first place, all i knew was that i needed to go. How wrong, i needed to SEE god, not to go to a Ancient Building. God is where I am. Thank God, i managed to find a church OPPOSITE MY HSE!!!!.. wow!
But which brings me to my other Sad point, when they found out i was Christian, tey were qte amazed that i was cos to them only old women belief in God, bcos they arre worried abt dying. So i thought ,"HOW WRONG!!!!" and i explained and told them how God has changed my life, and i even had the opportunity of sing songs to them :@!!!! wow, indeed i see what a blessing it is ! How great thou art !!!! wow!
and i want to THANK GOD FOR THAT! in fact, i have had so many people saying that they would like to see, Indeed the harvest is plentiful and the workers few.
How can you bring more ppl to church ???
making my life a miracle 8:00 PM