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Friday, January 06, 2006
Day 1
The Thing that realli struck me and til now i've been unable to answer
was when it said taht how can i remind myself that life is about living for God and about me.
so how ? of course all the text book answer all came out, how to eternalize it and makeit come out from within, but deep down i realized that i have ben realli living for mself,
make yourself comfortable, live life to e fullest, they have all been just about me.
So now, How can i remind myself? i've realised that until i learn how to do it, i cant live my life totalli for God, so i decided, to live out the quote, Let God increase and Me decrease, by making prayer a habit.
SO that it will not remind me but MAKE me live a miraculous life for HIM.
making my life a miracle 1:34 PM