I'm BACK !!!!
Please Tag .... Thanks
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Wow, This is indeed very fast , this is already the start of the 6th week, It also signal s the Midway point of my stay in Jiangxi, 6 more weeks of attachment, and 6 weeks of past, that has blown past me faster than typhoon Chanchu.
man.. pls look@ what time i'm doing this, madness..
and i'm still in the factory!
recently neglected e blog qte abit, cos work starting to pile up. i have to experminents evreyday , so if u see me online, and mesage and i nv reply, pls forgive muar, i'm doing work, juyst bcos i'm online doesn't mean i'm always der. so very paiseh.
thank God, i'm able to sleep in late and have to come to work only @ 2 pm. to whic h i have the key now. so no more cyber cafe. cheaper too..
having some shitty problems with e other guy that cmae w me.
talk abt loving the unlovable, wow.
getting qte hard, as he's very stubborn and always right.. sigh..
on the other hand my cam is getting cranky, so need to find out wads wrong w it. also i'm gettin very sleepy, and tired. bye.,
o yah went fishing caught 20 lil fishies that were put in batter and deep fried.
shiok. but small..
ciao... hpe to update soon.. lolx...
ciao !
btw the streetlamps go out @ 1230.. bye !
making my life a miracle 12:23 AM